Free! Summer Bucket List


You know all those things we tell ourselves every summer that we want to do? We should do them!

Alright I’ll say it. Summer 2020 was the pits. Around here, the July 4th parade and fireworks were cancelled, the neighborhood pool was closed, masks in 100% humidity nearly brought us all to the brink of claustrophobic panic attacks, and we all wondered what fresh hell we’d wake up to every morning when we turned on the news. And also I just really missed hugs.

So let’s make up for lost time, shall we? The Summer Bucket List is for you to print and fill with all the big and little activities you want to make sure you make time for this season. Ours is displayed on the fridge, reminding me every time I fill my water bottle that we’ve got big plans.

Click below to download! I’d love to see your list - share a photo and tag it with #mandalandco!



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